Sunday, October 4, 2009

Everyone's Working (Out) for the Weekend

Yay weekend!

Boo having to exercise.

I'm proud that I went to the gym both Sat. night AND Sunday afternoon and got a seriously good workout in both days. I was sweating my ass off.

I've noticed that I have much more endurance already. I used to be at about 130 RPMs on the elliptical trainer, but now I'm at more like 150 RPMs at a higher resistance. I like it. I feel empowered.

Changing gears...

You know how you have those clothes in your closet that are too small to wear, but you refuse to get rid of them? Kind of like every woman's "skinny jeans." Well, I have a whole landslide of clothes that were too small to wear, but too cute to throw away. Guess what? I can fit into most of them now. Already! Its amazing what a few weeks of diet and exercise can do to your body. So today I'm wearing some jeans that were SO snug I could barely breathe and a fitted shirt I would never wear with jeans as I feared the dreaded muffin top. But since my jeans are so loose now, the shirt totally works. I love it! It's a great feeling. And of course, now I have a ton of new wardrobe options. I can't wait to get dressed for work tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting to not just fit into ONE pair of jeans but a "whole slew" of clothes! I'm so excited for you/proud of you (in a non condescending way!) YAY!
