Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Pretty Big Deal

This blog post is going to be short and sweet.

On Wednesday I needed to pick up a new pair of jeans because the jeans my older sister gave me at Thanksgiving are way too big now. And all the ladies know that baggy jeans is just a sloppy look. Denim needs to fit your derriere. And my denim was doing my backside no favors, so I scooted over to the land of cheap clothing: Kohl's.

I don't understand the designer denim trend. Why pay $200 for jeans when Levis do something magical to pretty much every person's butt? I hit the Levis section at Kohl's and grabbed a few sizes to see where I'd land.

I landed a FULL five sizes smaller than I wore when I started my diet. And keep in mind this is the same brand of jeans!!!

I'm so happy. Big day, big moment!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No Fun Furnace

I’ve gotten some flack from my parents about not updating this blog frequently enough, so I’m going to do my best to write more. But the truth of the matter is that there hasn’t been an overwhelmingly huge amount of blog-worthy stuff happening right now.

Other than the introduction of The Furnace, that is.

Lately at training, Rob has been KILLING me. Not actually killing me, of course, but he’s been making me do a lot of what I consider to be unsavory workouts. Unsavory because they’re really damn hard. And I sweat a lot while I’m doing them. Looking like Patrick Ewing in the 4th quarter is the sign of a killer workout.

I’ve talked about the 5 minute kettlebell drills in detail in previous blog entries. Yes, Rob still makes me do those, but he also makes me do what I call suicides, which are starting with one exercise, getting a short break and then starting that exercise again and adding another drill, then resting and then start from the beginning and adding yet another drill. Confused? Me too. Here’s an example:

Swings, clean to press
Swings, clean to press, clean to squat

Rinse and repeat three more times.

It sounds easy, but trust me, it is anything but.

To add insult to injury, Rob introduced the furnace to me on Monday. It’s basically a deconstructed get-up with all the elements done separately with a bunch of swings in between. The drills are 45 seconds ON EACH SIDE and the breaks are 15 seconds. Since there are 4 elements to the get-up and you have to do 45 seconds of each element on each side, we’re talking a solid minimum of 17 minutes of intense, calorie burning workout happening at the tail end of my training sessions. NOT EASY. And not fun. I was shooting Rob all of these “You crazy!” looks when he was explaining the drill to me, but you know what? I got through it. Granted, my shoulder started to give out towards the bitter end, so I dropped the kettlebell and finished up one part of the furnace without a bell, but I’m not going to feel guilty about it. I’m damn proud of myself for doing something I never thought I could do.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This whole weight loss thing is hard. It’s not easy to constantly watch every single bite of food and drink that goes into your body. It’s not easy to work out all the time. Basically, it’s a complete life change and you have to have some mental toughness to get through it.

Which makes me think I’m a lot stronger than I ever thought I was before I started losing weight.

When I’m training there are times where I legitimately think there is no way I can a workout segment Rob tells me to do. Like get-ups with a 26 lb kettlebell. Or two five minute sets of uninterrupted kettlebell drills on my own with said 26 lb bell. Granted I have to mentally psych myself up for these types of things, but I do them. And I’m not dead when I’m through doing them either. In fact, if anything, I’m more pumped because I just completed something I never thought I could achieve.

I went to work out with my sister Molly at her gym a few weeks ago and we were working out on some kind of new elliptical machine. This thing is no joke… full strides and lots of resistance. It was hard, but I did my workout. Molly, who is not someone who says things she doesn’t mean, told me that she’s impressed that I don’t give up when working out gets hard. It’s a big change in me since I used to crumble whenever something got slightly challenging.

Not only am I mentally in the zone, but I’ve found my body can take a licking and keep on ticking. As a member of the I’m Uncoordinated club, I bang myself with kettlebells all the time causing huge bruises. I’ve got a weird shoulder thing that still bugs me a bit if I’m not focused on my form. And of course, I have my bad knee due to having ripped two ligaments and most of the cartilage removed back in college. But you know what? None of this stops me from getting to the gym and doing whatever Robs tells me to do.

At the end of the day I’m a much stronger person both physically and mentally. I dig it.