Thursday, February 17, 2011


Well, I did it. I survived my first day back at Spin class.


I'm fairly certain that the 6:30pm Spin class was the worst hour of my life, saturated by sweat, panting, pain, agony and most definitely more than one string of profanity under my breath. The good news is that I finished the hour long Spin class with taking only three short pauses from a full hill run, which, even under normal circumstances is incredibly difficult.

Today? My body hates me. My entire lower half is so sore I can hardly move. I'm "saddle sore," which means that my, um, nether region is super-duper uncomfortable. My calves are so tight that I had to forgo my normal high heels at the office today. Hell, even my abs are burning. It's ridiculous.

Despite my aches and pains, I'm really happy. I'm happy that despite a lengthy three month absence from the gym that I was able to actually complete the class without dying.

That's something!

Look out, gym. I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Getting back in the saddle

It's been a LONG 3 months.

I haven't seen the inside of a gym since the end of November due to a nasty bout with mono. My doctor told me that I'm not allowed to exercise until March, but I'm saying 'screw it.' I can't take sitting on my couch any more. It's time to get back in the saddle. Literally.

I'm going to Spin class tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure it's going to be a worst case scenario situation.

Sweat. Panting. Wheezing. Feeling soft and mushy. All the horrible stuff that happens when you let yourself get out of shape.

I'm a little scared, but I'm going to make it happen.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mono Hits. Diet and Exercise Take Backseat.

I know, I know. I’m holding my head in shame as I write this blog entry. Despite my promises to keep writing, I’ve obviously taken a hiatus.

The reason?

Mono. Can you believe it? Who gets mono after college? Well, apparently I do.

Because I’ve basically been laid up for the past several months, I haven’t been doing much of anything, let alone writing, however my mother let me know that her friends are requesting more blog updates, so I’m going to do my best to come up with interesting things to say when my life is anything but interesting right now.

The doctor has halted all working out and contact sports until March. MARCH! Therefore I have not been working out at all and to add insult to injury, I had to drop out of my recreational volleyball and dodge ball leagues since I could rupture my spleen if it gets bumped around.

Because I have the kind of metabolism that basically requires regular exercise to prevent weight gain, I’ve had to be really careful with my calories. I’ve experienced absolutely no diminished appetite, which is one of the side effects of mono, but for some reason decided not to be one of my side effects. I was looking forward to an easy diet since I wouldn’t want to eat anyway, but it’s not the case. I guess this proves further that nothing comes easy for me on this weight loss journey.

Because I’m not burning any calories due to my doctor’s orders to basically sit on my ass and do nothing for another month, I’m coming up with creative, low-calorie meals. It serves about 3 dainty ladies or 2 dudes. Here’s my favorite. Enjoy!

Low-Cal Mexican Lettuce Wraps

1/4 cup lime juice
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tbsp garlic
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp chili powder
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp pepper
as much salt as you need

Chop up 1 bell pepper (I like orange or red), 1/2 big red onion, 1 zucchini and 1 yellow squash into fajita-like strips. Marinate them in the marinade for about 15 mins.

Sautee all the veggies and marinade until they're as done as you like. I like them pretty well caramelized.

Warm up a can of plain black beans that have been rinsed and drained.

Assemble your wraps. I make wraps out of iceberg lettuce to give a nice crunch. Add black beans and veggies and top with low-fat sour cream and or low-fat cheese and a nice salsa.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

Last night one of my favorite people, the very cool Budgeting Babe Nicole Mladic ( told me that I need to get back on the ball with regular blogging. Everyone needs a vacation now and then (which I have clearly taken this summer) but now that fall is here and the urge to go out every night to street fests, parties, BBQs and other calorie-laden spots is subsiding, my weight loss is once again kicking into high gear.

So here I go. Blogging on the regular again. Thanks Nicole, for the push I needed to start writing more than once a month.

So while Nicole has been the push I needed to type out my feelings again, I have to give some props to one of my besties who has been the most supportive friend I’ve had through this weight loss journey, my good friend B.

B is enviably beautiful. Gorgeous, long, blonde hair, killer figure, amazing style and sparkling personality, she’s the kind of person you would meet and immediately hate because you know there’s no way you’ll ever be as amazing as her. You immediately think, “Bitch” and move on with your life. However, for some reason, B and I clicked right away and developed a close friendship. Once you get to know someone, the exterior shell of fabulousness melts away and you see a person for what they really are; and in this case, B has shown herself to be a loyal friend who also has insecurities about her weight.

When I kicked off this diet, I spoke to B about it in detail. She said something interesting. “Angie,” she said, “I’m not a naturally thin person. I can’t eat whatever I want and gain weight. I have to watch every single bite that goes into my mouth and work out a lot to maintain my figure. I have a feeling it’s going to be the same way for you.” For some reason this clicked with me. I’d always, irrationally, I might add, that just because a person is beautiful and seems to have it all pulled together that they don’t work for it. I’d always been jealous of thin girls because I thought they were all just naturally thin. The truth is a majority of thin girls work incredibly hard to maintain their figures. B is one of those girls. It made her seem so much more accessible. It also made getting down to a weight where I can be happy seem so much more achievable. It’s something you work for rather than something you’re just given.

Not only has B been honest and open with her body struggles, she’s also one of my only friends who will do any crazy work out class or diet out there without complaining. Prime example: We’ve done spin, Pilates, gone walking and incessantly discuss how to keep our calories low while maintaining our sanity. It’s cool because in our close-knit group of four girlfriends, we seem to be the only two that think about our diet plan on the regular. We joke about how we can “creep out and be diet losers together.”

B’s support this year has been priceless. I know she knows I feel this way, but the message to you, dear readers, is no one can make life changes on their own. Whether your support comes from a husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, or in my case, good friend, it’s very important.

Cheers to you, B, for giving me the best support I could ever need.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Making Some Changes.

It’s hard to believe, but my membership to Chicago Fitness Center expired a few days ago. CFC will always hold a special place in my heart. I lost a lot of weight in that gym. It contains my blood, sweat and tears… literally. It’s where I worked on myself and my fitness for the past 12 months.

Even though there are good things about CFC, the bad far outweighs the good. It’s dirty. Half the machines don’t work. There are no amenities and the group class schedule is laughable. I joined CFC because Rob trained me there and I was able to take advantage of a special membership fee of $18.50/month so at the time, the right decision was to go with CFC. However now that Rob has left for another gym and I don’t have a contract holding me at CFC, I too am jumping ship and heading for greener pastures.

Enter ID Gym.

Rob now works at ID Gym, which is just down the street from CFC. He does both personal training and teaches group kettlebell classes at ID. I was lucky to score a You Swoop coupon to ID, so I’ve been working out there this week and I’ve been loving it. The gym is clean, uncrowded and the group class schedule is stacked with cool things like spin, yoga, fly yoga, crossfit, and aerobic-type stuff on top of Rob’s kettlebell classes.

I was running some numbers this afternoon and decided to make a very tough decision. While I have loved my one-on-one time with Rob this past year, it makes more financial sense to join ID and take advantage of Rob’s group classes a few times per week than continue to pay him a personal training fee. I’m able to get my workouts with Rob in AND combine the cost with my gym membership. Win for me. The tough thing, though, was telling Rob about my new plan. I explained the situation and he was so cool about it. He told me that I’ve been one of his most loyal clients and he’s so proud of our hard work together. And he understands that I have to do what makes the most sense for me. Plus, I’m not ditching him. I’ll still see him two times a week.

So I have a new home at ID and a new workout plan. I’m looking forward to it!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I now know that I absolutely, positively cannot take a week off from working out and two weeks away from Rob. Its amazing how quickly I lose my stamina, strength and coordination.


Last week was bananas. I had to cancel my weekly Wednesday session with Rob due to a conflict known as Illinois Life and Health licensing classes and I wasn't able to reschedule it because the next day was my birthday and then Rob was out of town... It just wasn't going to happen for me last week. So for the first time in a year I had a full two week break from working out with Rob.

I strolled into the session today feeling pretty good. My eating has been on point, so I'm still slimming down, but my hectic schedule has kept me out of the gym for a longer stretch than I'd like. I anticipated a challenging session, but I had no idea I would be so weakened and pathetic. I needed far more rest between sets than normal and I battled through my Turkish Getups. My form was horrible on my snatches and I could barely stay up on my side planks. Sad. Embarassing. LAME!

It was a serious wakeup call that I can't rely on diet alone and that excersise is critical. It aslo made me remember what it felt like to be out of shape. I don't like it! I know I'm not actually out of shape. One week out of the gym isn't going to ruin me, but I'm not at my peak. I'm looking at a some serious gym time every day this week so I can back on my A game.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Making My Television Debut

Guess what? Kettlebells are going to be featured on WCIU’s morning show this week. And guess what else? I was there for the filming!

WCIU’s morning news show (a local station in Chicago) contacted Rob and his beachfront boot camp co-teacher Jen to do a piece on their Chicago Beach Fit workout sessions held at North Avenue Beach. The TV crew wanted to tape a segment showcasing kettlebell workouts, which is pretty cool. When I talk about kettlebells with people, they tend to look at me like I have three heads because let’s face it: Kettlebells are still a fairly new workout style. I was amped for Rob to get more exposure because he’s busting his butt every day at the beach. It’ll be nice for a Chicago station to spread the kettlebell word around a bit.

Rob asked me to come to the taping so the class would be as full as possible with participants. I took a few hours off in the morning from work to support him. Heck, he has done so much for me, it was the least I could do for him! Plus, I thought it would be fun.

Turns out it was a lot of fun!

Thanks to the unpredictable Chicago weather, it was raining a bit right when taping was scheduled to start, so my two friends I had recruited to tag along with me ended up bailing out. I felt horrible because I know Rob really wanted the taping to go well and unfortunately it was NOT looking good. Luckily, though, the clouds parted, the sun started shining and our class of fifteen kettlebellers got down to business.

It’s weird to work out while being taped. On one hand, you have pressure to make sure your form is as perfect as possible, you commit to being really energetic and you pay attention to the instructor. On the other, I make ridiculous, squishy faces when I exercise, so I felt like kind of an asshole. And I know this is ridiculous, but I’m still not 100% confident in my body and there are some kettlebell moves I have to do that don’t make my stomach look its best. Not the most flattering look for TV.

In the end, I did it and I’m happy I showed up. The host of the morning show was smokin’ hot (and quite shirtless), which was fun to watch and it was cool to be in the company of so many other people dedicated to working out with kettlebells. Since I do my workouts alone for the most part, getting energy from a group was super cool.

So look for me on TV next week!