Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer summer summertime!

I’ve found all kinds of random things that are exciting about slimming down, particularly when it’s warmer outside.

First, I look better with fewer clothes on. I’d always been really self conscious about my summer wardrobe because let’s be honest; no one who’s as overweight as I was looks good in sundresses and tank tops. I’ve bought a few really cute strappy, short sundresses and I look pretty cute if I do say so! Along with those sundresses comes the conundrum of what do with undergarments. Last year I would wear dresses, but would be forced to wear some kind of Spanx type armor under my dress for a few reasons. One would be to hold my gut in. Another would be to prevent the oh so unappetizing inner thigh rub. Yes, my inner thighs still touch, but there’s definitely room to breathe down there, so I’m happily sporting sundresses sans Spanx and its pretty liberating.

Second, I can handle the heat MUCH better now. I no longer start sweating profusely upon stepping outside, which is nice. Yes, I still have what we lovingly refer to as the Meredith Sweating Gene, but I’m MUCH more comfortable in the heat.

Last, but certainly not least, my appetite has diminished quite a bit. I’ve been craving fresh fruit and veggies lately which has made the diet easier. And really, who wants to turn the oven on in 90 degree weather? Not me!

Yay for summer!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm not NOT writing...

I'm just suffering from writers block. I feel like I've already written about everything on my mind.

So until I find some inspiration...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So… lots happening which equates to not a lot of time to write the ole blog, but I need to recommit to blogging. And losing weight.

Because I lost such a huge amount of weight in such a short period of time I decided to take a bit of time off from the extreme weight loss plan. Yes, I still dropped some pounds but I was definitely not losing weight at the rate I was losing it in previous months. I slacked on the diet. I allowed myself some cocktails. I didn’t work out as often as I should have worked out. And as a result, I didn’t really lose much poundage. But I did have fun and was able to relax a bit and give my body a break.

I knew I needed to get back on track, but sometimes I need a little push to make it happen. Like he was reading my mind, Rob said to me last week, “We need to talk. You need to start losing weight again.” It’s never a good feeling to get called out on your slacker ways so I was kind of embarrassed. But honestly? It was the push I needed to get my butt in gear and buckle down again. Of course Rob is right. He usually is.

So I’ve been buckling down. My diet has been on point. I’ve been back on the veggie soup for many of my meals which worked really well for me in the past. I’m not eating at restaurants. I’m hitting the gym. I’m laying off the booze. I’m refocused.

The truth is I really like myself when I’m hardcore on the diet. I’m really in the zone. Because I’m eating really healthy and working out a lot, I sleep much better at night. This means my work is better, I’m happier and I’m not tired during the day at all. I just have a lot of energy. It’s a great feeling.

So… here’s to kicking off Phase II of “Angie’s Weight Loss Journey.” You can expect more frequent blog entries and a soon to be slim Ang coming your way soon!