Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sweet, Glorious Bread

Eating like a caveman is hellish. My three favorite foods are bread, wine and cheese, all of which I can’t consume on the diet. That sucks. Hard. Life without B, W & C is, quite simply, boring.

Now that M & I have been caveman dieting for well over a month, Rob granted us permission to eat some carbs here and there. THANK GOD! Of course, we need to either eat them early in the day or right after our workouts and we shouldn’t eat them every day, but just knowing that I can finally, FINALLY eat a turkey sandwich is the best news I’ve heard in a really long time.

To celebrate my new-found freedom, I promptly went to Jewel and bought a loaf of the Healthy Life bread that’s only 35 calories a slice. Upon my arrival home, I made myself some scrambled egg whites and 2 slices of the diet bread. It was pure heaven.

Now I just need to figure out when I can start eating cheese and drinking wine again….


  1. Hi Angie

    Sounds like you are doing really well. I know it's probably very hard not to be even able to have a drink! Is there some other type of alcohol you can have? There are some low carb alcohol things you can have once in a while, huh?

  2. Thanks Leslie! I can have a drink here and there, but it should be the exception, not the rule. I'm trying to stick to lower calorie/carb options like a vodka & soda.
