Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Health and Emotional Benefits of Slimming Down

Truth? I’ve NEVER felt better.

Remember all of those back problems? Gone.
Low energy levels? Not any more.
Stomach problems? No longer.
Stress levels? Seriously diminished.

I guess there’s something to be said for a healthy diet and exercise program.

Before I started this weight loss journey I was NOT feeling well. Because I’d been eating so poorly and rarely, if ever, working out and not to mention carrying around a lot of extra weight I was suffering from a bevy of health problems. In my completely unprofessional capacity, I can only imagine that what I was experiencing was strictly because I’m overweight.

It’s kind of like a chain reaction. If you’re fat, of course your diet isn’t great. Definitely the case with me. Not to release too much information here, but because of all the greasy eats I was taking in, my stomach would act up all the time. So much so, it would wake me up in the middle of the night. This, of course, lead to some messed up sleep patterns leaving me tired almost every day. Being tired every day obviously leaves you with no energy.

Oh wait, there’s more! Because I was carrying around so much extra weight, my back was all out of wack. When you’re in pain, you’re crabby all the time, making you far less than pleasant to be around. This causes stress because you know you’re not at your personal best.

Seriously. Being fat is just a big old mess.

Now that I’ve dropped some serious poundage, I feel 150% better. My super-healthy diet of proteins, veggies, fruits and a few carbs has regulated my stomach so I’m sleeping soundly through the night. The diet also provides me with far more vitamins, minerals and all the healthy stuff I need to live an active lifestyle. I have so much energy now compared to the old Ang.

The back? SO much better. I still have a few random days where I’m a little sore, but I’m equating it to PMS more than anything. And because I’m not in constant pain anymore, my mood has improved. I’m so much more happy and fun to be around. I’ve shelved my crabby pants for good.

I’m looking forward to continuing on with this weight loss journey so I can see how I feel when I get down to my goal weight!

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo proud of you. You are an absolute inspiration. I was feeling too lazy to go to the Centre Club yesterday but after reading your post I sucked it up and went. Leslie gave up Diet Coke, too!
