Thursday, January 28, 2010

Looking Like a Fool with my Pants on the Ground

Poor Rob. Not only is he subjected to my constant self doubt, bitching about the diet and complaining that I can’t do any more reps during our workouts, but he had the unfortunate situation happen where he had to see my undies at the gym. No, I’m not making it a habit to flash my trainer, guys. The panty flash occurred simply because my “fat” yoga pants are too big and were actually falling down when we started our workout on Monday.

Alright, so they weren’t technically on the ground, but they came dangerously close. Since I’m fairly certain Rob wants to see my underwear less than I wanted to show them to him, I borrowed his hair tie and actually had to bunch the waistband of my pants together in the front and tie em up to prevent a total depantsing. Not my best look ever, but hey, you have to do what you have to do, right?

Needless to say, those yoga pants have been retired to the “too big” pile that is now taking over an entire corner of my bedroom. I’m at the point now where almost every article of clothing is either new, came from a friend or was given to me by a family member. The rest is stuff that’s really far too big, but I’m hanging on for dear life so I have SOMETHING to wear. Never before has a frumpy, tiny wardrobe made me feel so fabulous.

I’m well past the 50 lbs lost mark and I’m entering into the 2nd half of my weight loss phase. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. what an awesome feeling that must be!!!!!
    im opposite of you right now...trying to make my pants fit by ghetto rigging the buttons with rubber bands. it's awful. i can't even pull up my jeans over my thinking i need to try this diet ofyours and some of these exercises you talk about that are totally new to me
