Friday, January 29, 2010

This is Me... Now

At just over 1/2 way past my weight loss goal, this is me. My good friend Matt was nice enough to take a few pictures of me at my weight loss buddy, Mandi's store opening last night. She's decided to open her own business, the first and only plus-size resale shop in Chicago. Great for her because she's realizing her dream of being a business owner and great for me because now I have a place to sell all the clothes that don't fit me anymore!


  1. Oh my Angie!!!! You look AWESOME!!!! This is the first time I have seen you since Molly's wedding - you are doing great! Keep it up - what an inspiration you are!!!!

  2. Holy hotness! You look fabulous and I want that outfit!!! You are very inspiring, miss Angie =) I just read your entire journey and I am so proud of you and where you are headed! I guess since I havnt seen you in a billion years I didn't realize you had such a struggle going on. What is your goal anyway? Did you mention it? If so, I must have missed it.
    Love ya cuz and wish I could work out with you!!!
