Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thumbs Up for My Trainer

My trainer Rob is a crazy man. Crazy in the best way possible.

There are so many reasons why I love training with Rob. I think it’s time to sing his praises, because while yes, I’m the one that’s sweating it out and dieting, he’s the one who’s given me the tools to make it happen.

1. Rob is prepared. The man comes to each and every session with a full workout planned out and written down for Mandi and me. Granted, he’s the only trainer I’ve ever worked with, but friends have told me their trainers have a tendency to be disorganized, unprepared and just kind of go with the flow every time they meet. Not the case with Rob. I like the idea that he puts thought into my workout sessions to maximize my weight loss.

2. Rob isn’t annoying. Sounds weird, but there is nothing more distracting than when someone is acting like an overgrown cheerleader telling me, “Yeah! You can do it!” Rob doesn’t do any of that crap. He’ll talk me through some particularly tough circuits, but for the most part he lets me just focus on the workout. I suppose if I was the type of gal that needed a long-haired male cheerleader to get me through a workout, he would gladly act the part, but I’m sure he’s happy that I’m pretty low-key and he can just coach me.

3. Rob keeps up the intensity. He really pays attention to when the workouts are getting too easy for Mandi and me and increases the durations, intensity and difficulty accordingly. I’m pretty sure he knows that when Mandi and I have the extra energy to crack jokes and laugh that we’re ready to be pushed to the next level and he makes sure to crank it up a notch. I usually hate myself when he increases our workouts, which happens a lot, but we can’t get complacent and comfortable when weight loss is the goal.

4. Rob is fun. Honestly, I would work out with an evil troll if I was getting results, but its icing on the cake when you have a trainer who’s actually a cool, nice guy. He has a great sense of humor, lets me make “your mom” jokes at his expense and doesn’t mind when we tease him about his long hair. And he dishes it right back.

5. Rob cares. At least I think he does. When I came into the gym in an emotional meltdown state, he listened to me cry. He came to our Halloween party. He tells us all the time that we’re doing great. When I hurt my shoulder, he texted me the next day to make sure I was okay. I just get the feeling that he’s invested in our weight loss almost as much as Mandi and me. He wants to see us succeed and live happy and healthy lives.

So yeah. Rob is pretty fantastic. I’m so grateful I have him around to train me, motivate me and be along for the ride on this weight loss journey.

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