Thursday, September 17, 2009

The First Day

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

I've always been fat. It sucks. I've been emotionally guarded, my dating life has suffered and quite honestly, I've just been unhappy for a long time. I know it's because I'm not happy with my body. I just turned 30 this month and I've decided that now is the time to stop messing around and get serious about losing weight.

Acceptance is the first step, right? Second step? Actually figuring out how to lose weight.

I'm lucky enough to have another fatty friend, M (we'll protect her anonymity), who is 100% on board with losing weight with me. So we've decided to team up and lose the chub together. We'll support each other when we're struggling, motivate each other to get our fat asses to the gym and really, it's more fun to do things with a buddy. So M and I are in this together.

M has a friend who's a trainer at the Chicago Fitness Center in Lakeview, so he's going to cut us a sweet deal and train us together for a discounted price. M and I signed up for the gym last night, and while we were there, I met Rob, the trainer. He's, um, kind of scary. I have a feeling that he's going to kick my butt into gear, though, and motivate me to work out harder, better and longer.

Rob also has M and I starting the "Caveman Diet" next week, which is pretty much 6 small meals a day of lean protein and veggies with a few nuts thrown in for good measure. It's going to be a big struggle, but like his diet plan says, "What you eat is either taking you toward your goal of strength, health and leanness, or taking you in the opposite direction, toward weakness, disease and fatness. Every time you feel the urge to deviate from the plan, remind yourself of this."

So the diet and training sessions start next week, but I'm hitting the gym tonight with M to do a bunch of cardio and start getting prepared for our training sessions.

Wish me luck!

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