Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Body Aches

I had my first real training session on Friday of last week with Rob. Um, yeah. Personal training is no joke. I've never sweat more in my life. Circuit training is the devil.

We started out with some stretching and moved right into lots of horrible things like lunges, squats, planks, bridges (where you lay on your back and stick your bootie up in the air and squeeze your knees together), those funny squat looking shuffles that football players do, flutter kicks and carrying huge weights around the track. Brutal.

On Saturday my quads were on fire. I could barely walk or move. Same with Sunday.

Yesterday came around and my next training session with Rob was on deck. I was nervous because I thought there was no way my body could do a squat or lunge or, well, anything at all, but I surprised myself. After I warmed up a bit, I was rockin' and rollin'. You just have to take yourself to another place to get through the tough workouts.

Yesterday's training session was fun because Rob started to incorporate the kettlebells into our workout. Kettlebell training is Rob's forte, so it will be the focus of our workouts, but first we have to learn how to use them. If you're not familiar with kettlebells, they look like metal medicine balls that have a handle connected to them. The basic training motion is a swing between your legs where you hike it back like a football and then swing it forward while you come up from a squat and thrust your hips forward. Sounds easy, right? Wrong. Its difficult to get your timing down and I struggled in the beginning, but I pulled it together. I was proud of myself.

My body loosened up from yesterday's training session and I feel MUCH better today. In fact, I woke up with tons of energy, a feeling I haven't had in awhile.

Also important to note is that I'm wearing a pencil skirt today that I haven't fit into in years. And one of my co-workers told me I looked noticeably thinner. Yay!

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